Monday, August 28, 2006

the collapse of my empire

media, for better or worse, is a part of our daily lives. some seek to consume it, some to defy it, others to control it. control comes in several forms; for personal glory, one might seek the glow of flashbulbs and spotlights, while for fortune itself one might seek to be the voice regulating the aim of those bulbs and lights. it was in this fashion that, for a brief moment, i ruled the world. for exactly one month, i was the master of all media to the ants that live in my apartment. i chose the magazines they longer to scamper across. i broadcast music and information to all reaches of their domain. my movies blared on their televisions, my messages gave life to their phones, and my face greeted them each morning. then it all changed. the exterminator left me with nothing, an audience that died before i knew it was there.


mj said...

sethers you've got a lot of weird stuff on here. but this is my favorite.

seth said...

ratsoid - i was kinda hoping you liked 'the carp learns to fish,' but then when i think about it i do not recall that being spectacular.