Wednesday, May 21, 2008

it was a farce?

the corrections
-jonathan franzen

i'm still not denying that jonathan franzen is a good writer, i just hope i don't read him again. this book was supposed to be a lot funnier than i found it. i guess married couples being horrible to each other just isn't that funny to me. i have to say, don't read this book unless you want to feel awful.


mj said...

i'm always wary of contemporary lit because of this. actually i really like contemporary lit, but i don't so enjoy the feeling of wow that was some really great writing and yeah so i guess people are truly awful and the world is cynical and there's no hope and stuff. cool, thanks for the insight.

it might be because i'm getting older and i don't need any more doses of morose. similar to this is how i've been so over the color black for the last couple years. i refuse to use a black umbrella. it's already gloomy enough if it's raining.

not that everything has to end happy--that would not be true to life. but neither is hopelessness. hopelessness is just one angle, just like happily-ever-after is only one angle. i like the whole spectrum--that and mixing metaphors.

how's life, anyway, sethers?

seth said...

i've been on an unbelievable streak of awesomeness since i sent in those grad school apps. doesn't matter that i'm not going, i predicted that anyway. i feel so incredibly weird about this, but i'm totally going to try to apply for creative writing in the fall. i did apply to two programs this year actually, and it went better than i could have expected. as for umbrellas, i don't really use my (black) umbrella, which was given to me for christmas or something. of course, this year i got a black tuxedo. the endless laughs that fact provides for my friends makes it slightly useful.