Sunday, December 17, 2006


i know one person who seems to love saying 'it's a surprise,' when asked any number of questions. another individual, shockingly enough, is known for saying 'i hate surprises.' is there something fundamental about the unexpected that should be loved or hated? i have stressed a great deal when i suddenly found out that we're supposed to be signing a lease in january. that doesn't mean that i categorically dislike unforseen developments in my life. when that phone call, from that one organization, finally came, the timing made it a surprise despite the week or so of anticipation and hope. i neither love nor hate surpises


mj said...

hey criptic guy,

did you get a job or what?

incidentally i really like surprises for little things. like i want to kill the dude that told me how this one book ends. sometimes i like surprises for important things. but for really, really important things i am torn. i honestly feel like i want to know right now. but on the other hand, as my little ukraninan friend has recently said, sometimes it's better to not know how hard something is going to be, because then you might not do it and in the end you might miss out on something that was really worth it.

Unknown said...

so you're moving...West?

seth said...

jobs...only in the beginning stages. at least the one i really want is only there. i think i might be crazy to stay where i am...but sometimes i think i could do it. see coming post.